You did not die a coward.
You did not die a meaningless death.
You died - fighting for your life.
You did all you could to survive.
You chose to battle the darkness on your own.
Young and wounded you fell.
You did not die alone and forgotten.
I was with you in spirit - I felt you fall.
Your life flowed through my hands - along with my tears.
The mirror of life has been broken.
The reflection we can see - does not show
What we can see - with our naked eyes.
You are not imperfect - you are beautiful.
I know you now.
I fight for you now.
I suffer for you now.
I live for you now.
We miss you so much!!!!
Poem written by Kellye Pummill
Kellye Pummill lives in Mesa, Arizona. She is a survivor of suicide loss.
Kellye lost her daughter, Marissa "Roo" Pummill, on October 18th, 2014.
Melissa lives on, always, in Kelly's heart.
Melissa lives on, always, in Kelly's heart.