Sunday, February 14, 2021

Exactly where we need to be.

To all of us who have lost a partner to suicide. To those who have lost a partner in any way. To the widows and the widowers. And to the forever heartbroken. 

I see you.

To those of us who have someone new,

To those of us who are still waiting for the heavy veil of grief to lift before we can love again,

To those of us who yearn for someone to appear and hold us through it all,

To those of us who choose solitude intentionally because it offers us safety and warmth,

I see you and you are exactly where you need to be.

Some of us will bear this day that celebrates love by hiding our sorrow. 

Some of us will take the vulnerable step of asking others for support. 

Some of us will sit in peaceful memories. 

Some of us will stand in anger. 

Some of us will be celebrating with someone new. 

Some of us never cared about Valentine's Day anyway.

Whatever you do - 

I see you and you are exactly where you need to be.

Watercolor at top © Mira Santos, 2021