Monday, October 14, 2024

This site exists in order to give a voice to those whose lives have been touched by suicide.

We share comprehensive suicide prevention and awareness resources. In addition, we have three regular features. Our Voices Matter, which shares the stories of others whose lives have also been touched by suicide. The Beauty of Grief, which shares the poignancy of loss and the many beautiful ways that people memorialize their loved ones. And Their Lives Mattered, which features the names, faces, and lives of the multitude of authors, artists, musicians, and celebrities, whose lives were lost to suicide. Finally, the blog shares the personal essays of Chelise Bennett, a two time survivor of suicide loss.

Wherever you are on the spectrum of being impacted by suicide, you are are welcome here. Whether you are a survivor of loss, someone who has struggled with suicidal thoughts, or if you are just looking for information, we want you to know:

You are not alone.
There is always help.
There is always hope.

You can learn more and find links to our regular features, below.

Our Voices Matter

Each post features the story of a remarkable person whose life has been touched by suicide. Some are survivors of suicide attempts. Some are people who have overcome having been suicidal. Some are experts in the field of mental health and suicide. And many are those who've survived the heartbreaking loss of someone they love to suicide.

These are the words of storytellers, activists, advocates, law makers, and loved ones.

Click on the image below to see the Our Voices Matter posts:

Beauty of Grief

When someone dies by suicide, we who loved them are left to grapple with the pain of loss and also with the profound stigma associated with mental illness.

Survivors of suicide loss are often made to feel as if they should not talk about their grief. Some feel pressured to not bring up their loved one anymore. And because suicide loss is particularly traumatic, it often carries with it a prolonged and complicated grieving.

In order for healing to occur and for stigma to be addressed, survivors need to be able to talk about their feelings and they need to be able to keep the memory of their loved ones alive in whatever way feels important to them. Just as with anyone suffering from a loss, it is important that they be allowed to commemorate their loved ones both publicly and personally.

The Beauty of Grief celebrates the artwork, photographs, poems, quotes, and other creative expressions, of those who are grieving.

To see The Beauty of Grief posts, click on the image below:

Their Lives Mattered

Their Lives Mattered is a series of posts that are dedicated to humanizing the tragedy of suicide loss. The posts are meant to honor those who have been lost. 

The posts also feature individuals who were celebrities at the time of their death. Artists, writers, authors, actors, and musicians. Click on the image below to learn more:

Chelise Bennett's
Personal Story and Essays

One of the most important things you can do on this earth 
is to let people know they are not alone. 
― Shannon L. Alder, Author

Chelise Bennett is a suicide prevention writer, speaker, and advocate. She is a two time survivor of suicide loss.

"I believe in healing. I believe in recovery. I believe in reaching out and speaking out. I believe that every story is important and I believe that all of our voices matter." - Chelise Bennett

You can find Chelise's personal essays and story, by clicking on the image below:

Suicide Prevention and Awareness
and Other Resources and Information

If you are feeling suicidal:
Dial 988
Lighting Up the Sky
is an award winning blog.