Our Voices Matter is a regular feature on the Lighting Up the Sky blog. Each post shares the story of a remarkable person whose life has been touched by suicide. Some are survivors of suicide attempts. Some are people who have overcome having been suicidal. Some are experts in the field of mental health and suicide. And many are those who've survived the heartbreaking loss of someone they love to suicide.

These are the words of storytellers, activists, advocates, law makers, and loved ones.

We share these stories so that others whose lives have been touched by suicide will know that they are not alone. We share in order to let people know that it is ok, brave, and often beautiful to ask for help. And we share in order to give hope.

In the fight to battle despair and keep people alive, all of our voices matter.

Chloe Bellerby, England, Stronger, Braver, and More Compassionate

Verity Bramwell, England, Giving People Courage and Strength

Kevin Briggs, California, A Legacy Achieved

Joyce Bruggeman, California, The Combination of Grace and Truth

Anna Cambria, California, Beginning and Ending With Love

Linda Diaz, Maryland, Coming Home Before the Sun

Madeline Head, Virginia, Sharing a Part of Herself

David James, Texas, No Good Thing Ever Dies

Nancy Varella Lendway, California, In the Shape of a Heart

Keith O'Neil, New York, Sharing the Same Passion

Tara Jean Robinson, California, Getting Loud

David Susman, PhD Kentucky, People Are Still People First

Chelise Stroud, California, This is My Story

Tensie Taylor, California, She Is the Change She Wants To See In the World

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