American Foundation for Suicide Prevention

Connect Suicide Prevention and Resources

Coping with Suicidal Thoughts

Hope and Grace Community

I'm Alive

Injury Control Research Center for Suicide Prevention

Lifeline Canada

Live Through This

Now Matters Now

Speaking of Suicide

Suicide Prevention and Resource Center

The Mighty - On Suicide

To Write Love on Her Arms

Treasure Lives


US Center for Disease Control - Suicide Topics

US Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration

Zero Suicide

Anxiety and Depression Association of America

Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance

National Alliance for Mental Illness

National Institute of Mental Health

Mental Health America

People of Color and Mental Illness


Bring Change to Mind

Deconstructing Stigma

Mental Health America - Barriers to Recovery

Mental Health Coming Out Proud

Mental Health Stigma is Discrimination; Huffington Post


Overcoming Mental Health Stigma; Mayo Clinic

Psychology Today - Mental Health and Stigma

The S Word - The Movie

Stigma Fighters

Stigma Free Zone

Stop Suicide Org, Fighting Stigma

American Foundation for Suicide Prevention

National Education Association - Advocacy Resources for Suicide Prevention

National Institutes of Mental Health Legislative Activities

Psych Centrall - Three Easy Steps to Becoming a Mental Health Advocate

The Trevor Project, Advocacy

Young Minds Advocacy

Jason Foundation 

Jed Foundation

Josh Anderson Foundation

Kids Aid Grief Support

LGBT Peer Support Chat

Trans Lifeline

The Trevor Project

International Association of Suicide Prevention

Living Works, Canada

Papyrus, United Kingdom

Suicide Prevention, Canada

World Health Organization Mental Health and Suicide Prevention

Public Health Institute, WHO and CDC Violence Prevention Research: Suicide

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Please click on the bluebird below to send me an email. 

External links disclaimer:

The Lighting Up the Sky blog may contain links to external websites that are not provided or maintained by or in any way affiliated with Lighting Up the Sky.
Please note that the Lighting Up the Sky blog / Chelise Stroud does not guarantee the accuracy, relevance, timeliness, or completeness of any information on these external websites.
The diagnosis and treatment of depression and other psychiatric disorders requires a trained medical professional. Information contained in this blog reflects the non-professional opinions of Chelise Stroud or (often) other lay people. It should NOT be used as a substitute for professional diagnosis and treatment of any medical/psychiatric disorder. Please consult a medical professional or emergency services if the information here leads you to believe you or someone you know may be depressed or suicidal.